Providing Better Access to Care with Hybrid Multi-Modality Programs

In this webinar, we hear from leaders at Highmark about their strategies for providing hybrid multi-modality programs which enable them to address the breadth of requirements that their populations face.
Dr. Joshua Elder
Dr. Joshua Elder
Senior Vice President, Digital and Virtual Health Practice Medical Director
Laura Messineo
Laura Messineo
Vice President of Virtual Health
The webinar highlighted Highmark Health’s approach to providing better access to care through hybrid multimodality programs. The discussion covered the organization’s strategy, key initiatives, and the importance of hybrid care. The speakers also discussed the challenges and opportunities in implementing these programs, the importance of behavioral change in adopting virtual care, and how they are addressing health equity issues.
Key insights
  • Highmark Health’s app, titled Well360, which provides virtual urgent care and behavioral health services to members.
  • The organization is developing disease-specific programs, such as a program for type two diabetes care with Onduo.
  • Highmark Health is focusing on creating a seamless experience for members by developing models that align on one care plan and next best actions across all care settings.
  • The organization is looking at different market segments and tailoring their approach based on the specific needs of each segment.
  • The organization is working on driving behavioral change to increase the adoption of virtual care among their members and providers.
  • Highmark Health is ensuring compliance with digital technology among providers and measuring it through utilization trends and claims-based data.

The Highmark Health strategy emphasizes personalized and integrated care delivery models 

  Highmark Health is focused on creating a seamless, integrated, and personalized healthcare experience for its members, shared Laura Messineo, the VP of Enterprise Virtual Health at Highmark Health. The company’s strategy, called “Living Health”, is designed to connect and manage members in a personalized manner, utilizing technology and virtual health services to connect with members across the U.S. and manage their health. “Living health is a virtual, and digital strategy. Meaning that in order to provide the access and provide the oversight and care, for our members, it requires a new way of linking to care in a way that is differentiated in the industry,” explained Doctor Joshua Elder, SVP for digital and virtual health at Highmark Health. 
Emphasizing the importance of creating a seamless experience for members, Messineo said, “We’re really trying to create these models that we can offer choices to our members, and they can choose to be seen virtually, use digital tools or to be seen in person.” Elder added that the company is also focused on improving the experience for providers and emphasized the importance of enhancing relationships between providers and patients to ensure the best outcomes.

Living health is our strategy with virtual being an underpinning. It brings an individual’s entire care team of clinicians together such as behavioral health, nursing, care managers, wellness coaches, providers into a shared experience and platform.

Laura Messineo

Vice President of Virtual Health

Highmark Health is driving behavioral shifts among providers and members

  Highmark Health is actively working on driving behavioral shifts among providers and members alike, to increase the acceptance and utilization of virtual and digital health services. Messineo shared that the company has been running various marketing campaigns to drive member engagement, offering targeted marketing and innovative campaigns during different times of the year to resonate with their members. On the provider side, Highmark Health has developed a provider playbook for virtual care, offering best practices, clinical workflows, technology, and regulatory information to help providers navigate the virtual care landscape.   
“We hosted webinars every day for our providers so that we could give them information, and we could answer their questions. I think both aspects of driving behavioral shifts is an ongoing effort, and we have to continuously look at these processes to say, how do we continue to advance the ways we’re communicating and marketing this message out to both our members and our clinicians,” Messineo added.

We’re really trying to make this a seamless experience for our members, and having that white glove approach to navigate… we’re looking at how can we really create that longitudinal approach to care delivery.

Laura Messineo

Vice President of Virtual Health

Highmark Health is focusing on creating a robust and accessible healthcare system

  Highmark Health’s strategy is not just focused on disease management or healthy living, but on creating robust models of care that wrap around their members. The company aims to simplify the healthcare process and navigate members to the right care setting, whether that’s virtual or in-person. Messineo emphasized the importance of creating robust clinical services to improve the quality of care delivery, while Elder highlighted the company’s focus on patients at risk, working towards better managing populations and changing the trajectory of their health.     
“When we conceive of how we measure that, the only other way I’d also say this, to kind of answer that, And it’s a lot there’s a there’s a lot here. It’s just to say when you look at all of the providers and the provider systems we’re working with… think of every major EHR, and we’re working with all of them,” explained Elder, emphasizing the complexity and necessity of creating an integrated and comprehensive healthcare delivery system. 

As we look in kind of those in area kind of strategies, that’s where the details of the model in strategy come to life in working closely with our provider partners to figure out how what we’re doing will complement what they need.

Dr. Joshua Elder

Senior Vice President, Digital and Virtual Health Practice Medical Director