In March, the TytoCare team flew to Nashville, Tennessee to gather for ViVE 2023. ViVE is a major event in healthcare — a chance for leaders from health systems, providers, vendors, and more to share exciting solutions to some of healthcare’s biggest challenges.
TytoCare brought something unique to ViVE: an interactive and dynamic showcase, focused on the promise of the next-generation of virtual care technology — and the perils of taking an old-fashioned approach to telehealth.
For years, companies arrived at industry conferences claiming that they will provide the value of a primary care visit at home. To support these visits, however, they only use traditional audio or video technology. One thing we know: that’s not enough. Just talking is not primary care.
To show this, we planned a live demonstration. We “founded” a new company, called Teletalk. Like any enterprising health start-up, this new company set up a booth at ViVE, and representatives demonstrated how they can replicate a primary care visit with a simple video call… or to be more precise, they demonstrated how Teletalk’s outdated methods create miscommunication, misunderstandings, and unnecessary trips to the emergency room.
Home care using everyday video technology does not come close to replicating the value of an in-person visit with a physician. Over a video call, patients struggle to convey how they are feeling and cannot build real trust with their doctors. For their part, doctors can’t accurately examine patients, assess symptoms, or measure vitals. And when doctors have nothing to assess but grainy video footage, they are left directing healthy patients to the ER.
Studies show that telehealth appointments rarely address patient needs: Digital appointments for acute conditions are more likely to lead to multiple follow-up appointments than in-person check-ups.
While the Teletalk folks were busy showing off antiquated “telehealth,” the TytoCare team was busy introducing ViVE to the Home Smart Clinic – a virtual care solution that can actually bring primary care into the home.
Our solution, which includes remote physical exams, means that for the first time meeting your doctor from home can actually have the same impact as a visit to their office. Unlike traditional telemedicine, partners using TytoCare’s technology are able to resolve 98% of visits remotely.
The Home Smart Clinic tears down the obstacles faced by traditional telehealth. It brings quality health care into the home, and closes the Home Health Delivery Gap™ – the disconnect between the center of our daily lives and healthcare.
It was incredible to meet with so many people from across the world and across the healthcare industry who were all passionate about moving forward into the genuinely impactful future of virtual care. And of course, it was also a blast to poke a little fun at some of the persistent myths in virtual healthcare.
The good news is that the TytoCare show is still on the road. We’ll be at HIMSS 2023 in Chicago later in April, and we’d love to meet with you! And for now, we’ll be leaving Teletalk where it belongs: in the past.