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Orphanage in Chad, now with remote access to doctors across the world

Orphanage in Chad, now with remote access to doctors across the world

TytoCare was founded on a mission to change the lives of people around the world through fully remote physical exams. We meet the healthcare needs of children with chronic medical needsvulnerable seniors, and people living in remote, rural areas, among many others. We’ve decided that it’s time for TytoCare to do even more.

TytoCare for underserved communities in Africa

We recently launched TytoCareS, a new program that will donate TytoCare devices to desperately underserved communities that lack access to basic medical care. We’ve started by partnering with Israeli Flying Aid, whose goals include delivering lifesaving aid to sick people in countries that do not accept aid following disasters or conflicts. In these countries, sovereign powers use disasters to withhold or deny medical treatment.

Gal Lusky, the founder and CEO of IFA, told us, ״Our organization has two main goals. One is delivering life-saving aid to sick people in countries having no diplomatic relations with Israel. The other focuses on people in countries that do not allow life-saving aid to enter following disasters or during conflicts. In these countries, the sovereign power uses disasters as a tool for denying medical treatment, deliberate starvation, etc.”

By partnering with Israeli hi-tech companies, IFA allows those who are most in need to benefit from the incredible innovations for which Israel is known. One of these poverty-stricken countries is the African country of Chad. IFA has been bringing humanitarian aid to Chad since 2019.

Medical emergency in Chad

Chad, a landlocked nation in north-central Africa, is one of the world’s poorest countries. Chad’s rugged landscape has seen much unrest, including famine, multiple civil wars, and political instability. Chad is home to half a million orphaned children, a number that skyrocketed due to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Infant, child, and maternal mortality rates in Chad are among the highest in the world – one in 10 children born in Chad dies in their first week of life.

Disease and malnutrition are widespread in Chad, and its citizens’ access to even minimal healthcare is limited. A serious shortage of trained medical personnel and limited healthcare facilities further compound these problems.

TytoCare at Chad orphanage

We have proudly donated several TytoCare devices to an orphanage in Chad, whose children have already endured so much in their young lives. Medical support to facilitate the use of these donated devices is being provided by doctors in Israel.

Using TytoCare, doctors will be reliably able to examine the lungs, heart, throat, skin, abdomen, ears, and temperature of Chad’s orphans. Remote medical exams will bring them crucial access to medical care for acute and chronic conditions, hopefully setting a course for lifelong health.

TytoCareS will continue to bring healthcare to high-need areas around the world. We cannot alleviate all of the problems faced by the people of Chad but we believe that our lifesaving contribution to the health of Chad’s orphans will have ripple effects for years to come.